Experts Suggest Minimizing Screen Time for Babies to Zero

Nowadays, an increasing number of parents make use of the convenience offered by gadgets, such as tablets, iPads, laptops, and smartphones. They use these devices to keep their babies and toddlers entertained while they go about their daily activities. Nonetheless, as many of you probably know, this can have seriously negative effects on babies’ development. The latter has been confirmed by a new study which was published by the US medical journal JAMA Pediatrics.

The study focuses on a survey conducted by Japanese researchers who collected data from over 7,000 mother-baby pairs. According to their findings, increased screen time for babies plays a pivotal role in their development. To learn more about the results and the negatives associated with babies spending time in front of electronic screens, please check out the next sections.

How Does Extended Screen Time Affect Babies’ Development?

If you look around, you’ll notice that many parents entertain their babies by showing them various animated videos on their phones. Undeniably, this is one of the easiest techniques to keep your baby’s attention while you perform some of your daily tasks. However, despite its simplicity and convenience, this is certainly not the best option, as it can seriously affect infants’ development.

In a recent study published by JAMA Pediatrics, experts reveal that, in many cases, a child’s delayed development may be attributed to excessive screen time. The research focuses on several development domains that can be impacted by spending too much time in front of electronic screens. Here are some of them:

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Language development
  • Social skills
  • Problems with behavior
  • Problems with paying attention
  • Cognitive development
  • Developmental disorders

According to the research conducted by data analysts in Japan, screen time over 2 hours per day can contribute to delays in communication, as well as other problems, such as the inability to solve problems. Additionally, based on their study, too much screen time can lead to significant delays in language development.

Based on researchers’ findings, infants who exceed one hour of daily screen time are at risk of developing the aforementioned issues by the time they are two, three, or four years of age. Parents are encouraged to engage their babies through alternative means that do not involve the use of different electronic devices, such as tablets or smartphones. This approach will not only help them establish a closer relationship with their children, but it will also mitigate the risk associated with delayed development.

Screen Time for Babies: Recommendations

Per recommendations from both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, babies shouldn’t spend more than one hour in front of electronic screens. Although this is the suggested time frame, many parents seem to disregard this recommendation, subjecting their children to hours of electronic screen exposure. As mentioned earlier, prolonged screen time can significantly harm infants’ development in various aspects.

Unfortunately, studies indicate a growing trend among parents who utilize smartphones as a means to entertain their infants. This, of course, has resulted in a notable rise in babies’ screen time, driven by the rapid technological evolution, which certainly facilitates the daily lives of people around the world. Furthermore, since many parents work from home now, they have come to rely on the convenience provided by gadgets capable of keeping children’s attention for hours.

Benefits Associated with the Usage of Electronic Devices to Entertain Babies

The Positive Effects of Screen Time on a Child's Development

Despite the potential negative effects of screen time on children’s development, embracing the flexibility and ease offered by technology is sometimes unavoidable. Luckily, there’s a way to make screen time quite beneficial for babies and their development. At present, there are numerous free online content specially designed to stimulate infants’ cognitive development.

Instead of opting for animated videos that can be super entertaining for babies, parents can choose to expose their kids to much more beneficial material. A number of online programs aim to help toddlers develop their language and color-recognition abilities. Moreover, such content can contribute to a more vibrant imagination, which can later result in enhanced creativity in the future.

Nevertheless, even with these incredibly valuable virtual resources, it is still essential to maximize quality time spent with your children. Even if you decide to incorporate digital gadgets into their routine, make sure that you still actively engage with your children during these sessions.